Currently, about half the grapes produced in Brazil are used for processing (wines, juices, etc.) and the rest go to supply the consumer demand directly as fruit.

The word “harvest” has powerful meanings. Meant literally or figuratively, it is used to point to the result after hard work and time spent to enjoy the good fruits.

As a rule, production is aimed at serving local and national markets. Grapes for export are produced in the São Francisco Valley, which is a region with a semi-arid tropical climate, mainly located in the states of Pernambuco as well as Bahia, home to large farming companies. Throughout the rest of the country family farming is predominantly carried out on small rural properties.

Despite the hot and dry climate, harvesting takes place the whole year round. Here there are 300 days of sunshine and high temperatures during the whole year, and not too much rain. Combining these factors allows the vine to grow throughout the four seasons.

The growers’ irrigation system, by controlling the water and, consequently, the vine’s life cycle, is also an important element in achieving this plentiful production.

The vine’s life is classified into cycles. In the first cycle, grapes are about to be harvested; during the second one, the vine requires pruning; and, finally, in the last cycle, is about to start to give fruit.


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