Peaches help us to lose weight. Here’s why.

In first place, it helps us to lose weight naturally due to its low calorie content, given that more calories are spent metabolising it than the energy it provides. Also, peaches are an essential fruit in a slimming diet, due to the fibre they provide, which makes us feel satiated. 

It is important to remember that in order to obtain all its properties, we recommend eating it raw, with its whole skin on, but you can enjoy peaches as juices or smoothies. Of course, if you want to lose weight, exercise and a balanced diet are essential.

A peach is rich in vitamins A, B, E and C. Any of these vitamins help to prevent diseases, taking care of our defences. Peaches provide more than 75% of the daily vitamin C.

You may not believe it…but it is advisable to eat it with the skin on. It is also diuretic: it improves digestions as well as renal function. It revitalises your health.

Fun fact: eating fresh peaches is ideal for slimming, especially when compared to dried peaches, which contain more calories.

Peaches are rich in fibre, improve intestinal transit and act as a laxative. They’re ideal when constipation problems arise. Due to their fibre, they purify our organism by eliminating toxins in a natural way.

Its antioxidant content improves cell activity and peaches also reduce cholesterol and blood-glucose levels.

Nutrients per 100 g: Calories: 37 Water: 86.2% Protein: 0.9% Carbohydrates: 9.1% Fibre: 1.9% Fat: 0% Minerals: Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium. Vitamins: A, Beta-carotene, C, D, E, B complex vitamins.

The combination of these components is responsible for our natural weight loss when combined with a low-calorie diet.


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